Lets Go Swimming

Life with God is an ongoing, ever-changing, relational adventure. It is not a matter of being driven through life, and then ever once in a while stopping and looking around. No, God expects us to journey with Him, breathing in the breath of life, feeling the blood of life flow through our hearts, and experiencing the very wonder of having been given a body with which we can see and hear and smell and taste and touch this amazing world that He has provided.

Sometimes I wonder if we truly want a life with God? This God who is a Spirit and who has created us to live in the revelation of Him desires us to live in spiritual union with Him. We have the ability to live in the created order as spiritual beings, "his divine power has given us everything needed for life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." (2 Peter 1:3). We have been given "everything needed" because God wants an active partner in relationship.

The Spiritual life is just that -- A LIFE!

We learn as we as we go. We learn as we do. As we go and do with God, we are changed along the way. Thus we are called into the struggle and the joy of being changed by the relationship with God. We are either drifting along in the world around us, or we are moving with the very currents of God's love.

What we are called to intentionally live within the Spiritual Disciplines (or exercises), which are merely directed actions, that place us in a position to receive from God the power of His loving presence which enables us to accomplish what we can not do on our own.

"For it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13). These exercises will allow God to work in our lives that which alone we are unable to do.

Michael Phelps is propelled through the water by the use of human strokes. Spiritual disciplines or exercises are the strokes that move us into the transforming streams of God's Presence. In order to learn how to swim you must overcome several fears, so it is with learning how to move in the very Spirit of God. We must shed our dependency upon self and trust in God's provision.

We are all being called to learn some strokes (ways and means) by which we can move into this Spiritual life. We have all been caught up in worship, or prayer and sensed God's Presence. There are some exercises (practices) that will give us some ways of finding our way into His Presence where we belong and where we are called to live continually.

Let's swim for the REAL GOLD!


It's All About His Prsence
