Now is the Time

We mark our lives by keeping time and I believe we need to understand what time it is. There is ordinary time (chronos) and extraordinary time (kairos). We are living in an unprecedented time of worship!

There is a call going forth right now that is the fullness of what Christ spoke when he was here; “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” (John 4:23).

I have this gut feeling, this suspicion that the angel of the Lord spoken about in Revelation 14:1-7 is right now calling the nations to worship. “….worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea, and springs of water,” (v.7b) The question is are we hearing this call? Is that call to worship being heard in our community?

It is my sense that there are marks of worship; “radical, rooted, relative, revelatory, and relational.” I think that you can see the youth’s radical expression, I also think that there are those who understand that worship must be connected to our continuum of history (rooted in the truths). I understand the need to relate to those who don’t know our story or language. There is also a need for revelation or prophetic insight in the midst of our worship. And worship is intensified in the context of our human relationships. It is my sense that worship should be; “radical, rooted, relative, revelatory and relational.”

I truly believe that there is a renewal of the convergence of these basic marks of worship within our community right now. There is always an emphases on one or two of these markers but all are needed in our lives.

“The hour is coming and NOW IS…” This is the time to worship Him with a new or renewed passion. There is truly something in the air that is refreshing. I am trying to blow the trumpet so that all can hear.

Come and encounter the Goodness of God in the midst of His People! We as human beings are changed by being exposed to the very presence of God that is encountered in the midst of worship. I fully believe that there is a call being issued for worship. Help me give this call.... "come and worship."

Pastor Quintin


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