I have been watching the events of the last few months with great interest. Several years ago a good friend of mine, Vivian Hibbert, encouraged me to pay attention to what God was doing outside the church, particularly in the arts. And maybe with artists, so lets take notice of a few things.

First, Whitney Houston has stepped forward telling how God delivered her from a long abusive situation. Second, I am intrigued with McKenzie Phillips new book telling about her long-time abusive relationship. And finally, Kaycee Dungard, is found after 18 years of being held captive in an abusive situation.

I remember how the Lord spoke to me over a year ago these words:

Breakthrough - May 11, 2008

“My perception is that spiritual authority is going to increase in the next 6-12 weeks. The thing that I am seeing is that you are going to be given the power and authority to break and destroy the limitations and strongholds that you have been dealing with in your lives for years. You are going to go free from those limitations in areas of your life that you have been merely coping with because you couldn’t get rid of it. There is going be such an experience of freedom in the lives of individuals and families that strongholds will be broken off of people’s lives. Listen to me, it is happening to you. You need to exercise it. The authority is coming up into your life, but you need to be the one who exercises it and says, “I am going free of that.” And when you go free of it, you’ve got to hate that thing. Those things that were strongholds in my life before, I hate them now. You cannot go back and play with them…. If you have strongholds, thought patterns, limitations, habits, particularly low self-esteem; particularly you don’t think you are worthy, you’re insecure…that is going to be destroyed, because low self-esteem is the Enemy robbing you of the potential in your life. If the Enemy can keep you thinking you don’t matter, you don’t count, nobody loves you or likes you, if He can keep you there he can keep your gifts from coming out. Those strongholds are coming down, that is coming off, and you’re going to come out of that thing and go, yes go into the freedom that He has purchased for you.”

I truly believe that God is releasing people from strongholds that have been extreme. Now is the time for the Church to arise and to set people free. Jesus defeated the enemy and He has entrusted the Church with the authority to set people free in His name. Unfortunately the church has been lulled asleep. It is time for her to wake up and to operate in the authority that she has been given.

It is time for many to realize that they can go free right now. A few days ago I ran across this: "We remain captives within a mental framework that has actually been broken. We are like prisoners who could walk out of a prison because all that would enclose us has been burst open, but we remain inside because we are is time to wake up.


