"Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him." (Matthew 2:1-2)

The World was too busy to notice the birth of this child. There was no room found for Him in the Inn. And no room in the hearts of men. The angels had announced His birth, the shepherds had bowed before Him and the two intercessors had confirmed His identity and yet Israel did not know this King.

Two years would pass before these Wise Men of the East would come searching for this child. Into an occupied country three princes came looking for the real king. These Arabs of the East seem to be more aware of the coming of the King than Israel. They explained that a star has guided them to this place. Today most Christians would dismiss them as simply too "new agey" or "weird." And yet here they are very close to the Christ.

I think that they were astounded to find Jerusalem so complacent. I think they believe they would find people worshiping the Christ. However, they were not deterred by the indifference of the people, they simply started going door to door. Like the Lover of the Song of Solomon they began to ask "have you seen him whom my soul loves?"

These men were more in tune to the fact that God had promised a Christ, than the believers or the religious leaders of that time.


We now live in a world where worship is no longer considered a need in our lives. You can if you want but you don't have or need too. You can be a believer and not worship. Perhaps that is because our society has lost a sense of value of the Christ.

Once people lose a sense of the value of the Christ it follows that worship is diminished in our society. I was praying this morning and I realized that "WISE MEN STILL WORSHIP THE KING."


Prayer and Fasting


Worship -- why participate in it?