
One of the last things that the Lord speaks to the church is one of the most comforting; "Behold, (look and see) I make all things new.... He who overcomes shall inherit all things, I will be his God and he shall be my Son." (Rev. 21:5,7)

All of creation has suffered from the Abuse of a fallen Angel. Lucifer/Satan has deceived and abused every human being; beginning with the first couple. To abuse, literally means to misuse, to use wrongly or improperly, thus leaving the victim traumatized. The whole of creation has been misused. The enemy of God truly desires to destroy all of our Fathers creation. The very environment that He created to the Image of Himself, His Children.

I have come to realize that as children of God we are at risk of "child abuse." Nothing alters the thinking and the development of a human being like abuse. Many begin to believe that what has happened or is happening is their fault. They even begin to accept the LIE that this is God's will for their lives.

The original abuser begins every attack by questioning the love of the Father, "did God say?" The enemy always raises suspicion about the intent and love of the Father's love. Methodically he prepares his next victim for his own plans and renders the young victim helplessly dependent upon him.

Over the last 30 years I have seen believers who begin to doubt the Love of the Father, when this occurs they become open to lies and misconceptions about God and about themselves. Once Adam believed the "lie" he was trapped. In fact he thought that there was something wrong with him. After all he ate the apple and it didn't work. He did not seem to become "like God" in fact he felt worse than before. Since he believed Satan, (satan would never lie to him, he was truly his friend, it was God he couldn't trust) ... something must be wrong with him. It was his fault that the apple didn't work it's magic. He was a failure! He deserved to hid, to fear, to live this life of abuse.

We are living in a society that has perfected "abuse." We allow the culture around us to tell us that "if only you did this or that; had this or that" then you would be all you were meant to be. If only you would go ahead and experience the forbidden fruit you would know what God knows. That is spiraling completely out of control in our society.

I have seen the horrors of abuse! Abuse doesn't just happen to "one" but to the whole family unit. When Adam and Eve were deceived and abused by the father of lies it left the entire human family abused and confused and lost. There are very few people who does not know someone who has been abused. It affects us all. It is the disease of our generation.

The wrong or improper use of God's creation! It destroys the original purpose of that life.

I am truly believe that Jesus Christ came to "REDEEM, RESTORE AND RENEW"!

That renewal is the results of the ministry of Jesus that is made available to us through the Holy Spirit.

"The Spirit of the Lord us upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
and the recovery of sight to the blind
To set at liberty those who are oppressed
To Proclaim the year of the Lord's Favor." (Luke 4:18,19)

There is a tremendous anointing that is available for "renewal." An Anointing that is very powerful to destroy the very limitations that have been placed on those who have been victimized by the enemy. That anointing is the results of a former victory. Satan abused the very Son of God to the uttermost. But Jesus triumphed over every aspect of that attack. Anointing, specific anointings, are given to those who have overcome in their own lives that which others are now needing deliverance from. Jesus overcame and destroyed the power of the abuser.

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God....For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life, Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead, who delivered us from so great a death, and does deliver us; in whom we trust that He will still deliver us."(2 Cor. 1:4,5,8-10).

I have had to recognized that God is desiring to work through my life to see the powers and the effects of abuse destroyed. There is an overcoming anointing that has been released upon our lives for the benefit of others. I am confident that if you have been the victim of abuse there is GREAT GRACE FOR RENEWAL.


Father, I pray for the person that has taken the time to read this and I ask in the Name of Jesus Christ that you release your anointing upon him or her right now and "make all things new." Break the lies that have held them hostage. Open their eyes to your love and mercy. Show them those who are around them that will minister truth and life to them. Protect them from condemnation and scorn. Holy Spirit fill and flood their lives with you Love. Father embrace them, hold them, protect them and set them free from those who would do them harm. In Jesus name I pray .... Amen!


The Renewal of Eustace


The Art of Making Moments!