Looking over the Edge!!!

We can stand where we are or stand on tip-toe and look over the edge. What is the edge? It is that place where fear lurks and no one dares to get to close. Many dreams have taken us up to the edge. With quaking knees, we have looked over the immense distance between what is and what could be. Most people turn away from the edge -- it's just to scary. But we don't have to turn away. We can go to the edge and leap, if we can believe in something greater than what can be explained. The most important thing is to let go of the fear and take hold of life whose Light never goes out.

When we seek the Prophetic Presence of God we seem to always be standing on the edge. Like Eagles who leap off the ledge we are called to live facing the storm, the rush of the mighty wind of the Holy Spirit who will empower us to soar to heights of which we have never dreamed.

In stead of leaping off the edge to fall, we leap off the edge to soar. The Spirit of God empowers us to break the forces of gravity and lifts us upward into the realms of His Presence. It is our eyes that trick us and hold us to the ledge. Why? Because I find myself looking over the edge rather than looking above the ledge. It is who is "over" not what is "beneath" that we should be focused on. Today we must look up... Up to He who has calling us to the edge, to soar, to discover that within our design is the capacity to be with the One who is Higher!

So stop looking over up above the edge..... Leap ... Go ahead !!!! Fly!


Broken or Refined?
