Unite my Heart!

Teach me your way, O Lord;
.....unite my heart to fear your name.
Psalm 86:11NKJ

Have you ever felt like you had it all together, finally, and then forget where you put it?

The psalmist prays for wisdom to know how to take all the various areas of his life and weave them together into one single strand of unity and harmony. I have mediated upon this verse many times and it has helped me to find harmony within the Holy Spirit and with the entire body of Christ.

In Hebrew, the word translated “unite” is the word yachad. Most define it as “to join together, to become one.” A Christian is not a divided person or personality. Although we are comprised of different “parts,” we really are a “unified” being. Our tangible and intangible bodies are inextricably interwoven together with each other and with the Creator. A Christian truly is one with himself and with His God.

The Christian must also come to recognize that he or she is also one with his brothers and sisters in Christ. In such a fusion, there are no divisions, no separations, no barriers, no cross, no conflicts of interest.

When believers truly become one Body, with Christ as Head, instead of going off in hundreds of different directions, we will finally be able to give total concentration to the one thing we are all called to do: WORSHIP THE LORD AND BE WITNESSES TO HIM IN ALL THE WORLD.

I love this verse; “Unite my heart to fear Your Name!”


The Centrality of Worship
