The endless supply of the Spirit

...He who supplies the Spirit to you... Galatians 3:5 NKJIn the Greek the word “supplies” is choregeo (hor-ayg-eh’-o). I have meditated on this word several times and it is illuminating and inspiring. The root word is choros (khor-os’) which referrs to the ring in which round dances were held (hence the word chorus).It speaks to us as both  as “a chorus leader” and  as “to lead a chorus of singers.” In this verse it points to the act of furnishing the chorus at one’s own expense, to supplying everything necessary for the whole production. On the community level, it is a place of honor, to “choregeo” any function, because it was such a great personal expense.This word suggests an abundant supply, you could say it like this, “... He who lavishes the Spirit on you....” or “...the One Who is constantly supplying the Spirit to you in bountiful measure...”This text tells us that it is not one single isolated incident of God’s provision in their lives. Rather, he is referring to a continious floodtide of  answered prayers, miracles, healings and deliverances. Athough unbelievers may question God’s existence or His provision, the believer soon discovers a lavish supply of blessings from God.God is the patron, the sponsor, the backer - the choregeo - the One Who has underwritten lavishly the total  cost of our lifetime walk with Him. Jesus paid the total price of our redemption. Accepting Him, “following” Him, starts us on a journey that is fully and lavishly provided for !!!!


Notable, Great, Special, & Divers Miracles !!!


One of my favorite prayers!