Inebriated by the Breath of His Spirit!

His Presence.... that is our aim! We were created to live in His Presence; to be 'one' with Him.I am so humbled by the reality that "The Father" longed for our presence more than we longed for His. "Our intermittent sense of longing for god is actually a misperception of God's eternal longing for us," (poet Charles Upton). Even before we were expelled from the garden and His Presence, He had made all the arrangements for our return. Thus, our depart from the Garden of Presence, triggered His plan of our return.He came to us in our created form. And in that human form He revealed His "incomprehensible Love" for us. His love is beyond my ability to process. Every time I try and grasp His Love for me I am overwhelmed to the point of intoxication. Inebriated by the breath of His Spirit.This love that would not allow us to be separated, gave Himself to us, so that we might return to His Presence. "In His Presence there is fullness of Joy...." (Psalm 16). A joy that can not be found through any other means. Nothing created can ever produce this Joy.To be re-united to His Presence is the hunger, the thirst of every human soul. Christ's came that we might be "one" with them again (John 17). Or as St. Peter says, "partakers of the divine nature," (2 Peter 1:4).Through the work of the Trinity we have been qualified for life with God in a communion of love.  "Through the Holy Spirit, we are raised up to Christ, and through Christ we are raised up to the Father," (St. Irenaeus) .To be united to God in the context of this life means to be in a perpetual state of change from a life according to the flesh into a life according to the Spirit. This change is a constant reality that we undergo every day and every hour in faith, effort and tears. We are being transformed and shaped by His very hands into the image of His making.Spiritual forensics will prove that He has been handling us during our lives in order to re-image us for our complete union with Him in the final resurrection. His fingerprints that that will be found upon our souls will be the means of identification.


Toss it away!!!


No more Self-rejection!