The Lord Lives Now!

The exalted Lord lives now. He lives personally and not merely as a concept or symbol. He lives actually, not solely in the memories of his disciples. He lives not only in earthly history but in that eternal life that transcends history, to which he ascends. He live not in latent power or mere potentiality, but rather in full possession of blessedness and power.Thus redemption occurs not through the assent to doctrine but through union with the living Christ by faith. This life could not occur with a dead Christ. The endgendering power of Christianity could not be proclaimed if Christianity spoke only of a person who was but no longer is. If he ceased to be alive, he could not have an affect on our present life with God.We as believers are joined to the Lord in a spiritual union and fellowship with each other that is sustained by their relationship with this living Person, Jesus. The continuing life of Christ includes our life in Christ. In this Union Christ shares in our struggle even now, and we share in the fullness of his life with God the Father.Because He lives now, we live also!


You are Alive!

