The Art of Dancing!

I am persuaded that every person is God's artwork!Each of us is "fearfully and wonderfully" created by the one who is working to reveal Himself through us. Yet unlike a painting or a sculpture we must be willing to be molded as He intends us to be. Only in our surrender are we truly freed to realize who we truly are.  Only as we are infused and indwelled by God, are we fully free to collaborate with the Holy Spirit in being and becoming the fullness of God's art.In every other area of our lives we are fed through the desires which our physical nature supply to us. However when we respond to the Holy Spirit inside of us -- we are collaborators in or instruments of God's continual work of art that is taking place within us.I have come to understand that my true identity comes only from being "in" God and He "in" me. There is no role (husband, father, church leader), no career (doctor, lawyer, pastor, artist), or class (man, woman, white-collar, color) that can shape my life into the masterpiece that He has foreseen. In fact, the fears and failures of roles or of what others think of my performance has to often mutated who I really am.We are "justified in God alone". We have been freed by God; free to love -- love ourselves, love each other, even free to love our enemies! We no longer rely on expertise  of any kind in order to related to one another. It is an odd paradox; appearing to have lost ones self, the unique personality is truly free to be truly creative.This creativity springs forth from God in us. The Creator creating us and continues to create through us. Man the work of art, becomes the artist, collaborating with "The Presence," (Holy Spirit)..... listening this young apprentice discovers, rather than creates, the work that is waiting to be released from within the reservoir of his own soul.God's love in us is divine energy! It flows down from the uncreated into the created and thus continues to create! This outpouring of  "THE PRESENCE" .... is the source of all life, light and love. To be united not merely to, but "in"; that is the longing of the human soul. To be "wed" ... become so united too that there could never be a separation!To enter into the Great Dance, is to enter the Holy Spirit, to enter the living, dynamic activity of Love that has always been between the Father and the Son....I want to dance forever! To dance with Him .... now that is a work of art! 


Worry Buster's


CAN DOGS GO TO HEAVEN? Just for fun!!!!