Gazing at the "art of love"!

My wife and I took some much needed vacation time the last few weeks, during which I tried to stay away from the computer, cell phone and other time saving devices... or shall I say vices! As time slowed and the days lingered I was able to pause and do some reflecting (at my age it takes a little longer). We watched and listened to our children and our grand-children laugh and love!As this time unfolded I slowly began to realize the "art" that was right before me! Art is something that not only takes time to create, but also time to appreciate! I have meandered throw many galleries and been enraptured by many art forms. True art is iconic in the sense that the more you gaze upon it, the more it reveals and the more it draws you into the heart of the artist. Only as I slowed down and gazed upon life, was I able to see clearly the art that was surrounding me!I'm not sure that I have appreciated "love as art," until these last few years! Love is the purest form of art! By disengaging from the many demands this world, I have come to understand that my life is one of learning the "art of loving." The "Lover" created us in His image and thus we are created to reflect that love! It is from His heart that each of us take shape and form. That "Love" continues to flow through our lives into those around us and reveals that "love".Surrounded by the "art" of ones life, there is a peace, a kind of solace that brings understanding to the time that we have spent as humans. Gazing at, ... beholding as it were the art of my life there came a flood of emotion! Life is more about art than achievement. We live in a world that measures and values our lives by our achievements, when in truth what out lives us is the "art" that we leave.Each of us is an artist... and as I sit back down at my desk this morning I do so with a sense of "recovery", or perhaps "discovery", that I am an artist at heart! I have and will continue to spend my life learning the "art of loving".


Stay Focused!!!


Worry Buster's