The "Disease of Introspection"!!!

 We are called to live life first hand!  We are called to live in the present moment... not in the past or in the future! Many people live in the disease of "introspection"! Constantly thinking about the circles of life, they are stuck in the painful past or in the fearful future. In this way they are robbed or they squander the present trying figure out a more secure or less painful future. Unfortunately that desired future never fully arrives.Luke writes, "For in him we live, and move, and have our being;..." (Acts 17:28). Life, real life, the life that Jesus came to give us is found not by turning inward to study and analyze. When our gaze is "fixed" on Christ and His Presence, when we are "Presence-Centered" we will become conscious of "abiding in Him" and truly live "In Him.""Friend," sad the Spirit, "could you, only for one moment, fix your mind on something not yourself?" (C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce).David said, "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." (Ps 16:11). Life is encountered and lived by being aware of His Presence not in the rationalization of your "doings."I read somewhere that a mentor of young men said, "Fellas, you can't kiss your girl and think about the kiss at the same time." You and I cannot experience life "His Presence" and analyze it at the same moment without losing the goodness of both experience and thought.We are called to, live and move and have our being in Him... this requires us to look beyond ourselves and see Him to encounter Him in this moment! Today may we truly live in this moment, in His Presence and not get stuck in the past or the future.  


Beauty of His Holiness!

