Love produces Miracles!

Again this morning I was re-reading some of my own journals when I found this scribbling from several years ago. I had been mediating on Miracles and these thoughts were what followed...." another the working of miracles... 1 Corinthians 12:10 NKJThe text reveals several types of miracles. Lets take a look at a few of them.A notable miracle (Acts 4:16) is one that comes to the attention of those outside the local congregation. It makes the newspaper and the evening news. In Acts 3:6-10 a lame man was healed and it attracted the attention of the whole community.In Acts 8:13 Lukes the word mega dunamis or “great miracles” to describe a steady stream of wonders and miracles. God reveals Himself in lavish ways so that the miracles are in great quanity as well as quality.In Acts 19:11 the idea of “special” is stressed. I think it has to do with the degree of oppression that was in that region at that time. It took a special anointing to free these people from the powers of the Greek goddess Diana.But the one discription that I like the best is in Hebrews 2:4 "God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?" or as the Message bible says,  “all sorts of signs and miracles, as he saw fit.”This text tells us that there are special supernatural miracles for any church -- physcial miracles, financial miracles, emotional, relational, the list is endless.We must remember that Christ came manifesting the Love of the Father through the signs and wonders that He performed. He has not changed. Today we are to be “agents of the supernatural” thus revealing the Presence of the Love of God at work in our world, with “notable, great, special and divers miracles.”  


He is per-FECTING us!!!


For Intercessors!!!!