I'm Not There Yet--But still moving forward!!!

I learned early on that if you follow the pattern you will be able to accomplish some truly masterful things in your life.Along the north wall of my Dad’s workshop hung approximately twenty different patterns for cabinet doors. My Dad made some beautiful cabinets. He used those patterns as long as I can remember. He was able to remake or replace any door front that he had ever constructed. I learned from him that you You never remade the pattern, because if you did you would never be able to match an existing set of cabinets.As I read Paul, I realize that he too followed certain pattterns. Patterns, of thought and behavoir that resulted in his being able to say, “I can do all things throught Christ who strengthens me.”The challenge today is to identify those patterns or steps that would give us the same attitude that Paul seems to have developed. I hope that I can help you to realize some of those truths that Paul implemented in his life.Over the next few days we will look at his ablility to “Let Go” of the past, to “Set his mind”, and to “Intentionally focus on certain thoughts.” This simple little three step pattern will prove to be more valuable than it sounds. When this tool is applied to the human soul you will discover that there is a power that is unleashed with in you, that you did not know was available.In fact there is an untapped potential in every human being, but particularly within the heart of a believer. Unfortunately many people and lots of believers remain unaware of the latent potential that lies dormant within their own lives.Thoughts, feelings, and emotions often times cloud or resist the very power of God from flowing into and through our lives. Emotional upheavel wears us out and zaps our strength. Weakness many times is the results of the relentless attack upon our emotions.Paul was speaking from a place of awakening when he cried out, “I can do all things......” No right minded person would think that this comes from ones’ on self. But rather from being united with the “One” who both creates and sustains us with His Word and His Power.God is not lacking in energy! His power is obvious even to the skeptic. Very few people doubt the power of God, however many persons doubt that He desires to release that power within the lives of His people.Jesus, said, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” (Acts 1:8). The scriptures are full of the reality of God’s power and of His desire for His children to walk in that power. What has remained the challenge is how that power is received and released in the life of a follower of Christ.That’s where I am aiming to go! I want us to recognize Paul’s statement and then look to see how Paul arrives at this mindet. It appears to me that if you back up to the third chapter of this little letter you can begin to see the values and truths that have motivated Paul all of his journey!Phil. 3:12  ¶ I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.This verse seems to be saying that Paul realizes that he has not yet achieved perfection! I must say that after forty years of following Christ and thirty years in ministry I amazed at the number of folks who seem to think they have it all together.Have you noticed? Everyone seems to be a specialist! An expert on how to live! Wow! Every morning when I get up the first thing I look for is the sun. Is it up? Is it shining?I’ve notice something.... it is there every morning! Even if it’s cloudy I realize that it is still lighter than it was during the night. The sun breaks over the horizen every morning and I start a new day! The Light is Fresh!!!!So what’s your point? Well, I didn’t arrive yesterday! I’m still on the journey. There is new light for a new day! I really like what the Psalmist says: It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. (Lam. 3:22-23).I have not yet been perfected! I have not arrived! But every day His Mercy is fresh. He is faithful to forgive me and to sustain me in His Grace. I’m on a journey that is not over yet. There is no way to think of myself as having arrived.In other words.... I am still personally reaching for my own perfection in Christ. This understanding prevents me from being too harsh on myself or on other people. As long as we are waking up every morning we are recieving “fresh mercy” for our lives.I believe that we must realize that Paul arrives at this understanding early in His Christian experience. Nothing we do or haven’t done will ever bring us into a state of perfection. It is Christ and Christ alone who has lived the sinless life, the rest of us are living in the outflow of that Grace."I have not yet arrived....” But, “I can do all things....” These two statements seem to be in direct conflict with one another; In other words the ability to accomplish things, or to be successful is not based on our achievment of perfection. But, rather on our acknowledgement of need.I need Jesus! I need HIs Grace! I need His Presence in my every day life!Religion seems to say that the ability, the power to do things, is proceeded by a personal perfection.... I don’t think that is what Paul believed. Nor do I think that is the Gospel.The Good News is about how in the midst of our weakness “He is our strength.” In the very midst of his personal admission of perils and trials Paul shouts, 2Cor. 11:29 Who is weak, and I am not weak?We must see that Paul approaches his life from an understanding of journey and not destination. He is on a journey and he is pressing forward. He is not dwelling on the past but on the future.None of us have achieved perfection! Each of us are on a journey! A journey that continues to press us forward. Each person must encourage the other to keep moving forward. Too often we evaluate the one walking forward of his or her journey. Maybe we ought to merely celebrate the fact that they are on the journey and moving towards Christ.Paul acknowledges his own state of being! Not there yet, but I still pressing forward! And guess what? His Mercy is fresh every morning! His faithfullness is great!I not there yet! But still moving!!!!


A Day in the Life of Bryan Heiss


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