"Truth or Error"

"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32)It has occurred to me that if "truth sets you free" the opposite is also true: Error puts you in bondage, thus; "Truth sets  you free; error binds you."  The war between "truth and error" has been going on for thousands of years.It all began when Adam and Eve believed a lie instead of the truth. Adam wanted to be able to determine "good from evil" - "right from wrong" on his own apart from God. He wanted to be God by himself. That is the ultimate "error", the very lie against the truth.The Scripture goes on to say, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed..." (John 8:36)"You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about Me, yet you refuse to come to Me to have life (John 5:39, 40).The Scriptures leads us to the Son... The Son that died for our sins. The Son the rose from the dead conqueoring all sin and death for us. So many times we miss the most obvious.

Did you accept Jesus the man who lived 2000 years ago? Or did you accept Jesus Christ the God who became a man, who was raised from the dead?

Being a Christian is more than following the moral teachings of Jesus and promising to imitate Him! This is the error that robs many from experiencing the very reality of ABUNDANT LIFE!

When you ask, what does it mean to be saved?  Many say, "Jesus died for my sins, so there will be a place for me in heaven." If you ask about the cross, most will answer with "He died fro the forgiveness of my sins."

But ask, "what does the resurrection of Christ mean to you?" And generally there is a silence. "How does His resurrection apply to our everyday lives?" We often overlook the obvious.

The message, the Word, all Scripture leds us to the realization of "resurrection"!!!

Resurrection literally means "Restoration of Life"!!!

"So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed...." 

Once you understand that The Son has come to set you free and give you LIFE you begin to look at everything differently.

You, I, nor any other human being was able to earn this gift. No, The Son did this for us all. The  "error" is that we think that we can earn or achieve any of this by our own ability.

"For if by one man's offense (Adam) death reigned through the one (Adam), MUCH MORE those who RECEIVE ABUNDANCE OF GRACE and the GIFT of righteousness will REIGN IN LIFE through the ONE, JESUS CHRIST." (Romans 5:17)

Not only are we to experience the "resurrection life" (RESTORED LIFE) we are to REIGN IN LIFE!

The lie that the enemy continues to peddle is that we must achieve or earn anything.... Everything comes to us through the very Love, Grace of the Son. It is all about what He has "done" not about anything we "do".....

"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free....."



