Breaking the "Barrier of Doubt"

The scientific world has broken so many barriers, most notably the "sound barrier." The invisble line stood in the way of aeronautics for years until Chuck Yeager pushed through that resistance. The sound barrier refers to that specific point when an object moves from transonic to supersonic speed.We too can move from one deminsion to another! We as human beings were created to live in the deminsion of our Creator. To move in the realms that are faster than light. In fact, God not only released light, He is LIGHT! We must break the barrier that resists us from breaking through into an entirely other realm.Somewhere Yeager describes the violent shaking that the aircraft would experience just prior to breaking the sound barrier..... just before it would break through into the supersonic reality!We must break through "doubt" .... doubt resist! It is a barrier that blocks our faith from truly going viral and into the heavens and traveling faster and further than we can ever imagine. I was wondering do you suppose we could make some noise if we pushed through our own doubts??? 


Do you have a Zacchaeus in your life?


Table Talk with Bishop Q