Just say "YES"

Mary experienced God's action in history not as a theory but as a real fact. God took action in her flesh and blood. When she said "yes" to God is was so much more than a willingness to follow some sort of plan! Her "yes" was a complete giving of herself to Him. She opened up her life and future, every detail of her existence was not His.Mary reveals to us that saying yes to God is the only way to be fully human. The only way to experience exactly what God had in mind when He said, "Let there be light...," is to respond with, "May it be done to me..."Her "Yes" is the response that God has been waiting for from the creation that He loves. God's timeless and irrevocable Word meets with Mary's "Yes," and the union occurs. The wedding of God and humanity literally takes place and comes to life.In this moment, in this union of words, all things are now possible! As I read the account of Mary's "Yes," I am encouraged to stand in His Presence speak my own "yes." "Yes," to His Light, His Life and His Love. Yes, to my invitation from the Lord to be united to Him. To allow His light to remove all the darkness and to illuminate my life.Go ahead, just say "YES"!!! 


Table Talk - December 10


His Righteous Thoughts