You are a beautiful, wonderful child of God! Unfortunately many people lose sight of their true identity and consequently miss out on the joy God intended for them. It doesn’t have to be this way! The picture that you hold of yourself on the inside will determine your view of your self at the conscious level.Gradually through out life you pick up certain beliefs about your past, present and future. Though you cannot touch it or see it, your concept of your self is operating behind the scenes 24-7, for better or for worse. Often times your projected future (good or bad) is based on your own evaluation of your self. This image of your self will in a large way determine how you relate to others around you today. You simply reflect how valuable you feel today.The words and images that float through your mind when you are judging yourself come from your own unconscious thoughts. Even though you are unconsciously aware of whether this composite picture is helpful or hurtful, the thoughts you think, the words you speak, and the actions you take all get their operating instructions from your own inner self-concept.The good news is that you were not bore with a self-concept. Who you think you are unconsciously today is the net result of your exposures, both good and bad, over your entire lifetime. Given the culture we live in, it takes a deliberate and persistent effort to create and maintain a healthy, productive, and joy-producing self-concept (a mindset that works 24-7 unconsciously to produce joy in your life).You can UPGRADE YOUR INTERNAL OPERATING SYSTEM!!!Here is the main point: YOUR TRUE SELF-WORTH IS BASED ONLY ON WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT YOU, NOT ON HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF.If you owned the original of a famous painting but believed it to be only a copy, would that errant belief determine the painting’s actual value? It might accidentally define the sale price, but the fact that you underestimated the value based on erroneous information wouldn’t change the value of the artwork. The true value of the painting is based on whether the art is an original or a copy.In fact the Bible tells us; “We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10NLT). Whether or not you understand it, your true value is based on what God says about you, not on what you do or how you feel about yourself.The Bible reveals these truths about each of us.YOU ARE IMPORTANT (1 Peter 2:9)YOU ARE FORGIVEN (Psalm 103:12)YOU ARE A NEW CREATION (2 Corinthians 5:17)YOU ARE PROTECTED (Psalm 121:3)YOU ARE FAMILY (Ephesians 2:19)YOU ARE STRONG (Psalm 68:35)YOU ARE UNIQUE (Psalm 139:13)YOU WERE CREATED FOR A PURPOSE (Jeremiah 29:11)YOU ARE VICTORIOUS (1 John 5:3-5)There has never been anyone just like you, and God has not made anyone out of any better clay than He made you out of. Your life here on earth is your special, unrepeatable opportunity to fulfill God’s vision for your life and to magnify the peace, joy, love that He has placed within you.You are a King’s Kid! You are an original masterpiece! The true you is not found in flesh and bones. You are a spiritual being having a temporary human experience — this is a dress rehearsal for eternity!A mediocre self-concept does not come from God but from the blemishes and stains of the world. It comes from seeing ourselves differently than God sees us. It comes for disagreeing with God. It comes from continuing to identify with the things that haven’t worked. It comes from continuing to think about ourselves as unworthy, as if we’ve forgotten about the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses and purifies us.Go ahead, do it right now, remind yourself of your true identity! You are a Kid of the King, a Masterpiece!When you see yourself as a child of God, you do not accept artificial restrictions on the amount of life, love, joy and peace that you live in; nor the level of impact that you can have on this world. This is critical because how you perceive yourself sets the ceiling for what God can do with you.God ahead, “You are more than a conqueror….” (Romans 8:37).FYI — The world around you tends to accept you at your own valuation. 


