We soak up our environment!We breathe. We live. We think. We walk. We talk. We work. We pray. We play. And as we do, we absorb the influences of our environment along the way. What we let into our hearts sways our beliefs, feelings, values, expectations, and actions. Nothing comes out of our hearts except that which we put there first.Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (NIV).To even a greater degree than is probably comfortable for us to acknowledge, we are where we are at this point in our lives because of the dominating thoughts that we have allowed to occupy our minds and our hearts. Your emotional and physical health, your marriage, and family life, your career and personal economy, as well as your connection with God have been, and continue to be, heavily influenced by the quality of your mental diet.The best way to improve the quality of your life is to first improve the quality of your thinking. And the best way to improve the quality of your thinking is to keep vigilant watch over your heart.What I have discovered is that if I will allow Him, the Holy Spirit will teach me and remind me of what Christ said about me. If I will allow the Holy Spirit the right He will give me the “mind of Christ.”Paul said is very plainly, “....to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6).In just a few verses Paul continues by saying, “...the Spirit also helps in our weakness.... the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us...” (Romans 8:26).Far to often our minds recalls and replays what the environment around us has offered to us. However, if we will become quiet before Him, we can listen as the Spirit of the Lord prays over and through us and thus fills our minds with His Word.I have been overwhelmed by the prayers of the Spirit for me. I have become nearly raptured when I can hear the Lord's response. Caught in this conversation between The Spirit and My Lord, as they discuss their plans and thoughts of me I am renewed and inspired  and encouraged. I suddenly realize that I am not alone, that I have HELP that I sometimes forget.Yes, you and I truly "live and move and have our being in the Lord." .....We are sponges! We simply absorb whatever we are exposed to.Perhaps we need to expose ourselves to the Holy Spirit, who can flood us with the very Love of God. (Romans 5:5).I pray that you will soak up the Spirit of the Lord, the HELP of HEAVEN! 




God will deliver .......