His Mercy Endures For Ever!

"…He is good and His Mercy endures forever." (Ps. 118: 1;2;3;4; & 29).It is obvious that the writer waited us to know that "…His Mercy endures forever."If we truly receive the "mercy of God" we can call on the "name of the Lord," and expect a favorable answer. We don't have to fear. We can rely on the Lord. We can overcome our enemies. We can receive help, and strength. In fact if we know the "mercy" of God we can sing and rejoice because He has won the victory!The very stone that the builders rejected has become the very "One" upon which everything is built. Therefore, we awake this morning singing with all of creation."You are my God and I will thank you.""You are my God and I will exalt you.""Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His Mercy endures for ever!"


From “what is” to “what if?”


Twelve days of Christmas, interesting…..