No more Cowering

“...the Savior took on flesh and blood in order to rescue them by his death. By embracing death, taking it into himself, he destroyed the Devil’s hold on death, and freed all who cower through life, scared to death of death." Hebrews 2:14-15The Lord wanted to become flesh! He wanted us to know Him. One of the Father's of the Church wrote, 'He become flesh so that He could know Himself." Every time I read that statement it causes me to mediate deeply on who I am. Without flesh would I know myself? Well I suppose that is too much to consider so early in the morning,However, I to believe that in some ways you might say The Lord desired to be like us more that we desire to be like Him. He was not afraid of the flesh, when in fact we seem to be afraid of the Spirit. His journey into and in the flesh took Him to the Cross, to death! Our journey into and in the Spirit will lead us to Eternal Life, what a contrast. He came down so we could to up. He became like us that we might become like Him.Wait! I've got to shout! oops some one was (and I repeat was) sleeping. Ok… now that my charismatic side has vented itself, let's continue.He swallowed and destroyed death and is so doing He destroyed the devils authority of death. I love the way that the Message Version says this, “...freed all who cower through life, scared to death of death.” Because He came we don’t have to live “scared to death of death.” I've meet those people, O, I've been that person from time to time. Life can not be lived "scared"… it simply is no fun!The word ‘cower’ means to ‘move back, bend down or shrink away in fear.” There was a movie a number of years ago called, “Honey I shrunk the Kids.” It was terribly funny, but it also made me realize that the enemy of humanity intends us to “shrink back.” He convinces many people that they are very, very, very small. Little people "duck." LIttle people "cower." Little people live in fear of normal life.Jeus came so that we could live the life that He created us to live. We were created to live "large."Jesus has rescued us from a life of living that would cause us to fear. We do not have to live “scared to death of death” crippled by the fear of everything. We are no longer "shrunk" by sin and death, we have been "enlarge by grace and life."What a great scripture, what a great truth…..“...the Savior took on flesh and blood in order to rescue them by his death. By embracing death, taking it into himself, he destroyed the Devil’s hold on death, and freed all who cower through life, scared to death of death."We have the honor of living LARGE!


The Sanctuary of Silence


From “what is” to “what if?”