I was having a coffee with someone who had recently been a guest at the church that I pastor and of course I had to ask, "what did you think, (praying and hoping that we were OK that morning).""You all are a very 'expectant group of people,' when you pray it appears that you really are expecting things to happen.""We do!" I mean, we really do pray and expect things to happen. We have healing stories and other miracles to celebrate. Migranes gone, pain diminish, anxiety relieved, marriages saved, fever broke, hearts fixed, etc… Others experiece an inner peace or hope or joy!After our converstation I was lost in my own memories of the last 30 years of my life. I intentionally tried to recall moments of prayer with people. There is this one that jumps out of the shadows of my memory very vividly.Bill had suffered a heart attack and was recuperating very slowly, in fact the medical reports were not very good. I was nervous about visiting him, (I was so very young and inexperienced). What was I going to say to make him feel better. He was old enough to be my Grandfather for pete's sake. So I fumbled around with words and shuffled my feet. I really was afraid to pray for this guy who knew the Lord, probably better than I did.Finally, Bill said, "You're a fine young man and a good pastor. Thank you for coming to see me. I guess the good Lord wanted me to stop and just look to Him for a while."Unbelievable…. I was suppose to be helping him and he was helping me, encouraging me, and thanking me. I walked out of that room with this nugget. 'From that hospital bed He was looking up to Jesus.' He wasn't angry or bitter, or lonely. He was trusting in God more than ever. That's the day that understood this verse: "And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." (Romans 8:28).That verse does not say that God causes everything. Essentially it says that at all times, in all circumstances, God is at work in our lives -- stretching, shaping, transforming and revealing His Goodness in our lives. "Why me?" isn't the wrong question, but we don't always get an answer.I've come to realize that the Lord does some of His best work when we are completely out of our comfort zone. I suspect that is even more true when we are sick. When we look to Him… His comfort and compassion become the foundation of our help and healing."You are an expectant group of people…." Yes, we are! I'm not going to live any other way! God continues to surprize me …. nearly every day in many ways. If you are "looking up" you are expecting!I've thought about my coffee conversation several times! I've thought about my own reaction! As I've given time to it I've heard the whisper of the Lord asking, "What did you expect?""And the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up…the fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much..." (James 5:15;17).I have friends right now that I am praying for… and I am expecting God to help them.May God give them everything they need (hopefully, some good chocolate… scratch that… well maybe) …. and give them His Presence without measure.Enjoy it all!  


Are we scared of the "culture"???


Morning Prayer!!! Wow!