Hear His Voice!!!

“Abundant life” is found in and sustained by hearing the voice of God.My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:...(John 10:27). The word of God in the Bible is available to every person through the reading of the Bible. Also every one may hear the living Word by coming to the Bible humbly and persistently desiring to hear Him today.We become at peace with hearing God’s voice only if we are at home in His Presence and with the Word of God. Hearing God is not a freak thing.God is not speaking simply for our own personal lives, or primarily for our own gratification (money, safety or happiness). He speaks primarily because He longs to live in relationship with us. Relationship requires conversation. Conversation leads us into a true communion with those whom we converse.Hearing God is all about being in communion with Him. The Church, “the called-out people” are those who live in communion, with God and each other. Hearing and being heard are the distinguishing characteristics of this people.Just as God guided Israel through the desert, we are led by His voice, (Ex. 21-22). Paul recognized that this relationship was deepened by the internal presence of the Holy Spirit. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:14).God’s people (the called-out people) were faced with starvation, crime, disasters, or war; each of these difficulties were moments when God’s people “questioned” God. However, what they realized was that the resources of God were at their disposal.  God always answered them because of His relationship with them.Today, we are living in even a “better covenant” (or you could say a more intimate communion) and His resources are available to us. When we question; He speaks... He answers. We need only to hear His Voice.May you hear, May you know, May you follow His voice out of the past and into the abundance of God’s life.Peace…


A Friend of A Friend - Tribute to Bishop Tony Palmer


We need a Samaritian moment!