Just "asking" ???

"Just saying" ... has become one of my favorite fillers! (Not necessarily a good thing) But recently I've been asking more than speaking. I hope that's a good thing.Have we become so accustomed to the various walls of division that we no longer view them as detrimental to the cause of Christ? That is a question that has been rolling around in my spirit for the last few weeks. The division that exists between believers is simply considered normal by Christians. I don't think this should continue.The early church fathers warned us of this moment: "He shall also judge those who give rise to schims, who are destitute of the love of God, and who look to their own special advantage than to the unity of the Church; and who for trifling reasons, or any kind of reason which occurs to them, cut in pieces and divide the great and glorious body of Christ...men who prate of peace while they give rise to war, and do in truth strain out a gnat, but swallow a camel." (Bishop Irenaeus, 2nd century).In "Farewell to Mars," Brain Zahnd says, "Jesus Christ and his peaceable Kingdom are the hope of the world." How, can we "the Church" offer that hope if we are selves are divided? Jesus came to give us the "shalom" of God. If I have understood Him corectly His Church is to convey that "shalom" to the world. We cannot give what we ourselves do not possess.My friend Bishop Tony Palmer said, "Diversity is divine, division is diabolical." If we have received the "peace" of God then we must live in peace with one another. Tolerance is not peace. Hence, the question that I've been pondering, "Have we become so accustomed to the various walls of division, (within the Body of Christ) that we no longer view them as detrimental to the cause of Christ?We must each answer that question within our own hearts. I believe that there is a fresh anointing not only to live in "tolerance," but to manifest the very "Peace of God" !!! There is a cry for "unity in our diversity."Unity (John 17) is realized in the Kingdom of Peace. I don't think we call allow ourselves to call the walls normal any longer.




A Friend of A Friend - Tribute to Bishop Tony Palmer