“...my heart stands in awe of Your word.  I rejoice at Your word As one who finds great treasure.” (Psalm 119:161b & 162 nkj)The Psalmist says that His Word is better than a “great treasure.” Do we really live in awe-struck wonder of the Word of God? We all rejoice when we receive a great gift, but do we “rejoice” in His Word. Does His word create joy in our lives as if we had already received a huge inheritance?Recently I have been reminded to “read the Red.” The recorded words of Jesus are the, in my estimation the most powerful contained in the Scripture.“It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” (Luke 4:4) Jesus, ‘the Word made flesh,’ the God-man, says I only live by My Word. His word is Life. It is our life. The life of God is in His Word. In His promise is every thing we need to live. His word is the greatest treasure.Just think about a few of these red words. “Peace, be still.” (Mark 4:39) In the midst of chaos He speaks and all things are calm. Creation listens to the Voice of the One who created all things. What I need, what you need is to have His voice calm every area of our lives.God created billions of galaxies with four words, “Let there be light....” The same voice that spoke order into chaos at the beginning of creation, stood in the midst of creation and spoke “Peace.” He is the same God and He is still speaking order and peace into your chaotic life today.We must understand that God uses His voice for more than conversation. His words are filled with power. When He said, “Let there be light...” That light began traveling at 186,000 miles (MILES) per second (according to science). And get this, it still is traveling or moving at 186,000 mps. Or, to put it another way His Light is defeating darkness really, really fast. His voice challenged darkness and light is still winning. His word is light!Everything that you can seen came from the voice of God. “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made.... For He spoke and it came to be.” (Ps. 33:6,9). Maybe you didn’t hear it, but you can see it, just look around. The Psalmist said, “...my heart stands is awe of Your word.” To behold creation is to hear God. To stand as a creature in this creation is to see what God has already spoken.To worship His word, to agree with His word, to cooperate with His word is to live in the reality of a treasure that is better than anything else you could ever discover.Today, “My Heart stands in awe of His Word.” 



