A life-giving spirit!

“Your hands have made me and fashioned me...” Psalms 119:73Human beings are “hand made”, crafted into being by the very hands of God. Once He finished He leaned in close and breathed His “life” into us and we became a “living being.” Fashion by and filled with the great artist Himself. God literally puts Himself into His greatest art. Man, the ultimate work of this amazing artist God, was “filled with the very life of the artist.”Man was intended to be the most alive thing that He had ever created. Man was created to walk with God and among all of creation as the manifestation of His Life. God created man to be united to; man was created to live never separated from God.  Evil destroys art! Evil separated the art from the Artist and the art died!Hand made things must be used in specific ways in order to realized the value of their creation. To be reconciled to the artist. To be refilled with His life is the very longing of this thing called “man.” To be held and appreciated! To be filled to the fullest with the life that brings the art itself into it’s own intended glory is the very longing of the art.“The first man Adam became a living being. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.” (1 Corinthians 15:45).After the resurrected Son of God ascended to the throne, the Creator Father poured out His Spirit upon all who would receive. Once again His art would be filled with His life. The greatest art of God was made “alive again.” After death and resurrection not only is man a living being, but he is a “life-giving spirit.”Nothing can stop God from completing His creation. God created man to be the conveyers of His life. You and I, everyone who follows the Christ, everyone who has been fashioned in the image of God, are commissioned to give life to all we meet.We are called to be the most alive thing that our friends, family and neighbors have ever see. Go give life to others. You no longer are looking to be consumers but rather dispensers of The Life of Another.


Fully Alive!


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