His Name is WONDERFUL!

“....And His name will be called Wonderful,...” Isaiah 6:9Wonderful - Takes the dullness out of life. No longer must we live on the cheap substitutes of the world in order to have excitement and enjoyment. Jesus makes everything wonderful because Wonderful is Who He is. It is His Name.In today’s society we are surrounded by the miracles of modern science; yet people are bored. Henry David Thoreau once described the city as “hundreds of people being lonely together.”WHAT IS WONDER?Amazement, surprise, astonishment, awe, admiration, perhaps even bewilderment, an even worship. The Hebrew word that Isaiah used means “to separate, to distinguish.”Translated … marvelous, hidden, too high, to difficult, miracle. It carries the basic meaning of being unique and different.It is not shallow or passing emotion. No it is penetrating and deep.The reason it is so valuable is that it is not cheap amusement. When you experience true wonder, it enriches you and leaves you a better person. True wonder will draw the very best out of us and put the very best into us.  True wonder creates in us an attitude of humility; we are overwhelmed and sense in ourselves the greatness of God and the littleness of man.We do not stop and contemplate and wonder much. Even vacationers pause only long enough to take photos or make videos that they can look at back home when they can have more time.  Our lives are so full they are perpetually empty. Think about the child who lives in a world of wonder because he stands still long enough to watch and ponder.We live in an artificial world. People are living on substitutes. Millions of bored people depend on manufactured experiences to rescue them from their tedious existence. Each experience must be greater then the previous one or they are off looking for something else.The simple fact is that Jesus' name is Wonder. The life He a life filled with "Wonder". Whatever Jesus touched, he blessed and beautified and made wonderful. Jesus wanted the people to open their eyes and see the wonder of the created world all around them. The splendor of the lilies, the freedom of the sparrows, the miracle of the children, and the message of the wind.He took everyday bread and wine and gave these necessities a depth of meaning that transformed them into luxuries of God’s grace. The seed become the Word, the water the Holy Spirit, a lost sheep a soul, and He wrote in the dust and confounded religion.Wonder begins with receiving Christ into our heart and life, experiencing the forgiveness of sins, and the invasion of a whole new life.WONDER IS A LIBERATING EXPERIENCE: It breaks the shackles and calls for us into a life of faith and love.That is why His name is Wonderful. Unless I know something of his wonder, I’m not likely to come to him for counsel, power, or any other spiritual essential. Ordinary people experiencing extraordinary things are those who live with Wonder, and that Wonder is the child that was born in Bethlehem.According to both the prophet Isaiah and Luke who told the story of the early apostles we are all called to continue to live in the Wonders of the One who is Wonderful.Here am I and the children whom the LORD has given me! We are for signs and wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, who dwells in Mount Zion.Isa 8:18 (NKJ)And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. And they were all with one accord in Solomon's Porch. Acts 5:12(NKJ)Have a Wonder filled Day!   Merry Christmas!!!!


His Name is Counselor!!!


"With" not just "for"