Prayer changes the atmosphere

Prayer is the atmosphere of passion! When the atmosphere is correct it will rain, or snow! The atmospheric conditions allow for certain kinds of natural manifestations to occur.The spiritual atmosphere creates the conditions for certain spiritual manifestations to happen. Prayer changes the atmosphere! The way we speak of and to, not only the Lord but to each other is a powerful thing. What we are aware of or not determines so many things.Yesterday I spoke of my own passion to “know Him” and to “encounter His power.” Prayer is so much more than the voicing of our concerns, worries or needs to the Lord. Prayer a relationship of humble dependence upon the One who has come to share His life with us.He does not exists to bless our plans we exist to cooperate with Him in the fulfillment of His plan. Prayer is the on-going constant conversation between a lover and the be-loved. Prayer is a lifestyle! It is the rhythmic music of two lovers.Between the exchange of love miracles of restoration are the norm. To live aware of Him and of His love for you and for all of creation is part of the calling upon the life of a believer.To live in the sound of His Word and in the breathe of His Spirit is to be fully alive. To be alive with revelation of the Christ and the realization of His Power.If there is one thing that we all could do that would have an impact on the world... it would be to pray. In fact to become “Prayer.” To allow every moment, every word and yes every action be prayer."Several weeks ago I took my Grandson to Lowe's with me. We were standing in one of the isles when two men standing down the way started telling a story! The story was filled with very colorful discriptive words. As I was trying to move Bubba away from the conversation he picked up on some of the language. Instantly he looked up at me saying, "Pappa, they said a bad word, tell them not to say that.... Jesus doesn't like that!" I tried to shssh him but he simply repeated himself.Needless to say not only did the two young men hear him, but so did everyone in the surrounding area. You know what? The atmosphere changed. The two young men scurried from our presence.Your words can change the atmosphere. Your awareness can alter the conditions of your life."What kind of atmosphere are we creating? What are the changes in our daily lives that would be more conducive to His Presence? These are two small questions that might help us to know Him and to encounter Him more and more!Christ Have Mercy!Lord Have Mercy!Christ Have Mercy!


Fast and Pray!


The "passion" of one Pastor!