Who is Jesus?

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was    4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.Who is Jesus, really? I can only attempt to answer that question by using words which already contain meaning for those who are listening. Meaning that they have derived from their common language, their experience and their tradition.John, however, wants to introduce us to someone so radically "new" that He will call into question all previous assumptions based on language, experience and human tradition.Who is Jesus? Jesus is so ‘above and beyond’ that even language itself cannot communicate it. In fact He is before all human experience or human traditions. He was and is the beginning.Mark simply starts the gospel story with ‘John the Baptist.’ Matthew begins his story with Abraham. Luke goes further back to Adam. But John says, before Abraham was, before Adam was, before time was, God was. It was by God’s word that all things came to be. Everything that is, is by God’s word.Word’s are the expression of hidden thought and only as the hidden thought is put into a word is that thought communicated. He, Jesus, is the one who is God’s word, who is God, and who was with God from before time was.Jesus is the subject of our gospel story. Only when the whole story has been told will we truly understand who Jesus is and what these words really mean.This story is about a man who occupied time and space. However he continues to fill all time and space with His Presence.  He is the Creator of the creation of which he has become a part.The opening words of John's gospel do not give us clarity about who Jesus is, but it does point to the reality that the word "God," must be redefined in our language and in our lives.Jesus is the revelation of God. The God that created everything!"All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made"John is going to lead us on a journey of discovering who "God" is !!!!!John will redefine or establish the real meaning of the word "God."Let's enjoy the Journey together! 




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