Becoming truly Christian

As I awake this morning and relish in the after math of our celebrations of freedom I am uniquely aware that our hope for the future is not in calling for our systems (our government, etc.) to be more Christian, but in becoming truly Christian ourselves.In becoming truly Christian we become truly free.There is One outside of nature who is guiding both Himself and His cosmos. The “Uncreated One” who has come down into creation is “Good.” In Him there is no darkness nor shadow of turning. He never changes, but remains the same through out all the ages. He is Good and His Goodness is not simply a law, but also a begetting Love.We were created in such a way that we are truly free, and that freedom is for the purpose of being loved and loving. We are created by the “Uncreated” to be  indwelled by the God of Love so that He can lift us up and out of the bondages of mere natural fate. That Love resurrects every part of our lives.Our hope lies not in the institutions of the world but within our hearts, within our spirits. We were created to radiate freedom. Freedom to be loved and to give love to every human being. In that Love we not only know who He is, but also who we are. Our identity is found in the knowledge that we are the “beloved of God.”I look across my back yard this morning and I can see His love for creation. A creation of which I am a part. And I know that I am loved and thus I am free.This is what it means to be, “becoming truly Christian.”From my Backyard to yours....(the coffee’s not bad either)




How do we know?