We must grow!

Human beings were made to grow. Growth is one of the very virtues of our existence. God created us to be creative and growing. When we stop growing we will become frustrated and unhappy.Our minds, our souls were created for continual growth and expansion. Growth in our revelation and in our understanding of those revelations. The greatest tragedy of our culture is the lack of growth that takes place in our minds and our souls.The very central purpose of our being -- the very thing you and I were created for -- is to grow and to create. When we are stifled and stagnant we become 'unfulfilled and unhappy.'Unhappiness has become an epidemic in our society. I would submit that when the minds and the souls of humanity stop growing, stop creating that we have violated one of the very principle of life and living.A general dissatisfaction has "settled into" our generation. A dissatisfaction that has led to an unrest. Perhaps we need to realize that everyone must have an atmosphere in which they can grow and discover their own God-give creativity.I am convinced that happiness is directly linked to and perhaps is a by-product of being a creative and growing personality.So today let's purpose to grow in our mind, in our souls and in the depth of our spirituality.


Rejoice in Thanksgiving!


Great Love