Love is not admired, it is admiring!

The love of God is not something to be admired; it is something that is seized and lived.Far too often we analyze or admire what we think is love. Love is not the subject of our analytical minds, but rather, true love is a person, who is to be received and enjoyed.We must embrace and be embraced by “Love”!It is so difficult to experience the One who is “love,” if we lack the ability (or capacity) to receive love as a “gift” from God, simply and purely. Our ability to enjoy love has been buried under so many worries. Worries that are birthed in the deception that we need to earn or preform for love. These worries deprive us of seizing the reality of being “loved.”The truth is that we were created to be loved. Human beings are first and most notably lovers not thinkers. We long to be loved. In fact we don’t work outside of being loved and loving.Paul said, “...this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best ...” (Phil 1:9-10). Love is the foundation for all knowledge. When we “abound in love” we will increase in knowledge.Love is the foundation of our lives. Love is the essence of who we are because it is “Love” who created us. Thus, we as humans crave, long for, desire, or as the Psalmist said, “as a dear pants for the waters so our soul longs for Thee.” (Psalms 42:1-2). The human heart craves, longs, yes even desires to be loved.People who do not know that they are “loved” will never be very “loving.”So many people are pursuing desires that even if they acquire them will never fulfill their lives. They live unfulfilled, unsatisfied lives because they have never known the “love” that will satisfy their souls.The Scriptures tell us that “We love because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19) Only after we know we are loved can we truly began to learn anything.Our mission is to love not merely inform. The church has been deceived into believing that her mission is to inform rather than to form. Only when people are loved can they be formed by that love and receive the information that we want to give them.We are announcers of the Love of God. Not the lecturers of a school.How do we love? Jesus simply “received tax collectors and sinners.” He never rejected people, he embraced them.Again it was Paul who said, “Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” (Col 3:14).Love that is revealed in forgiveness; that will change the heart, the desire, the longings of humanity.Just as many people have made a habit out of “judging”; I can make a habit out of loving. I can "put on love." Get up every day and love people.If you are loved then “put on love” and others will experience Love that will alter their hearts desire. It will begin to remove the worries of whether or not God loves them.You and I can break anxiety off of other people. Anxiety (worries) that keep them from knowing the very Love of God.Love is not something to be admired; love is admiring. You and I are to go forth and love (admire) others so that their hearts are open to the desires of God.It is then that they will be "reformed in His image."


Wounded People Wound People!


Intoxicated! (with the Spirit)