Radical Christian Spirituality

Christian spirituality is truly a radical thing.Jesus talks to us about what is going on inside our hearts not just the outside (Matthew 5-7). He implies, suggests, to us that our inner attitudes and states are the real sources of our problems.He tells us that not only must we not kill, but that we must not even harbor hateful anger. He indicates the necessity of a "pure heart" (Matthew 5:8) and declares that the outer behavior will follow.Christian spiritually thus says, that if you live with hatred or malice, morally you're just as much a killer as the one who pulls out the gun. We can't live that way and not be destroyed. This is radical. It is beyond the simply morality of behavior. Christian Spirituality speaks to the attitude and wholeness of our hearts.Many Christians have thought they could think and feel hatred, negativity, and fear, and be OK. They justify their own feelings and behaviors because of past disappointments or unfulfilled expectations. Wounds in the past seems to be the basis of their inner and outer conflict with the world.If we walk around all day thinking, "What an _____ he is," we're living out of death, not life. If that's what we think and feel, that's what we will be-- toxic, draining -- sucking energy instead of a life giving spirit.Love! Love from God, love for God and love for our neighbor, this must first fill our hearts before we can hope to live with the fruit of His Kingdom revealed in our lives.  How we live in our hearts is our real truth. This is RADICAL.In Matthew 5:44, Jesus insists that we love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.Prayer isn't primarily words; it's a place, an attitude, a stance. That's why Paul could say, "Pray unceasingly" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).As I prayed this morning I was so aware that these words must be more than words, but an atmosphere that begins in my soul and fills the life that I live today. Prayer must take on human flesh today.Christianity is a Radical Spirituality....May we truly live in His Spirit today. Amen


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