
The fireworks are finished!We’ve all gone back to living in the freedom that we celebrated! And generally take for granted.As I watched the bright explosions, and listened to my grandchildren “woo and ahh”, I wondered if we really appreciate what it means to live “free?”Freedom! Should it be reduced to merely an individual freedom.Is “freedom” simply to be and to do whatever we think  or  want to do?Don’t misunderstand me, I enjoy my personal freedom greatly, I’m simply wondering if we might want to spend a moment reflecting on a deeper meaning of “freedom.”“You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but ....” (Gen. 2:16)It is that “but” the gives me pause, right? “... but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.” (v. 17)."Die..." Now that really make me pause. "Death".... "the end"?Humor me for a moment! Lets think of "die" as being "separated," as in no longer together, "divorced." Forced to live apart from one another. No longer in "relationship."We were created "free"... but lets live in respect to each other. All relationships require respect! I will live with you, however there are some things that I need you to handle with care. There are somethings in my life that I am willing to "give" to you, but I'm not willing for you to "take."“You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but ....” (Gen. 2:16)We were created to be "free." However, that "freedom" is and was meant to be realized in relationship with "Another" being, namely God.Freedom.... you and I were given this time and space experience to live our lives freely.  We are free to eat, to love, and to play. We are created to be alive, here and now. This is where we learn (or should) how to live in respect to this place, to live in an awareness of the ONE we created us (and others), to live conscious of the majesty of ALL of God’s creation. Free to live in love with our selves and our neighbors and our neighborhoods.We were created with the ability to say “yes” or “no.” In fact we are the only creatures who can say “yes” or “no.” We can choose to "give," to "receive," or to "take."We are created “free”... free to chose what is good within the context of the time and the space in which we are placed. Freedom does not mean doing whatever pops into our heads. Freedom does not allow us to break the covenant of the context of creation.We have been created “freely” (without any initiative on our part) to live lives that “tend and keep” the whole of creation, not simply our personal, individual desires.As the fireworks "red glare, the bombs bursting in air" I began to wonder if  the extremes of “personal, individual freedoms” destory our ability to live in the “peace and security of Eden.”The place, the space that was created for us to live is lost to us if we are not aware of our freedom to chose “not” to exercise our rights.I have the “freedom” to say no to my own “right.” I can live under the control of “Another.” I can live surrendered to the One who created not only me, but you and this world.Freedom to obey! Freedom to respect!Freedom to trust that there are somethings that I don’t need to “consume.”Not everything is necessary for my happiness.Not everything was meant for my pleasure.I can be “content” in what He has provided and blessed.I can rest in His wisdom.Trust in His timing.Freedom to give away ... and not take away!Freedom to forgive .... so we all can live!Freedom to live beyond myself ... so that there is a future!I was created in the “likeness and image” of a Creator God.Thus, the fullness of my being is to be a “Co-creator” and NOT a consumer of creation.Paul reminds us how to live in our “Freedom.”For you, brethren, were [indeed] called to freedom; only [do not let your] freedom be an incentive to your flesh and an opportunity or excuse [for aselfishness], but through love you should serve one another. (Gal. 5:13 AMP)Freedom that is an excuse for selfishness is wasted!Freedom that empowers us to love and serve others.... that is true freedom.


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