The Heart of the Matter

An essential component of Christian spirituality (the “heart of the matter”) is this sense of being a child of God. Only as a child of God can any of us throw ourselves in utter dependence and complete surrender to God’s direction in our lives. As a child, we can celebrate the wonders of creation. We can rejoice in the freedom of belonging to a gracious God. We can experience the Father’s love.The child inside knows the pleasure of being alive. This child is free from the need for manipulation and control. Lent challenges us to let this child come out into the sunlight. We are challenged to unchain ourselves from our need to control, to rationalize, or to think that we can take care of all the problems of life.We are called to be completely dependent, thoroughly in awe, and crying out to be nourished by our Father. This is the season to open our hearts and allow every concern and fear to be taken by the Father’s love.In this light I offer this prayer: “I know that I am your child, my loving Father, I know that you “ ‘have inscribed [me] on the palms of your hands' " (Isaiah 49:16) and you will never forget me. Therefore I surrender my all to you.” Amen




"It's really hard to be human."