One Way Down a Wrong Way

Have you ever gone down a one way street the wrong way? I’m just asking. I'm a good driver. I don't speed. I don't get tickets. My wife is the speeder. My daughter gets the tickets. I am a good driver.But I found myself one time in an Enterprise rental car going the wrong way in a Hertz Rental lane. I was in Nashville. I'm rushing to get back to the airport. I'm in that car and I look up and it says “Hertz- OUT.”The guy in the booth looks up at me, walks out and says, “You’re in the wrong line. You're going the wrong way.”Thank you for that observation. Like I don’t already know.I ended up leaving the car sitting there on his instructions and kept going forward.Paul says in Philippians 3 “Not that I have already attained or I'm already perfect but I press on that I may lay hold of that which Christ laid hold of me. Brethren I do not count myself as to have apprehended but one thing say one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”There is really only one way to life; forward.So many people are living backward; looking over their shoulder; going down a one way street the wrong way. They're looking at the past. Paul was pressing forward.If you are in love with yesterday you are missing today and will never make tomorrow because you’re not pressing in the right way. You’ve got to live facing into the future; going the right way.Have you ever gone the wrong way down a one way street?What are the things you need to leave behind in order to press forward?


Why I love being a Pastor
