NO ROOM! Really?

“NO ROOM.” We have all heard the story! There was no room in the inn for Mary and Joseph. They arrived in Bethlehem. They were strangers, who were most likely in desperate need of food and shelter.In this place that had no room we must at least recognize that the inn keeper made room the best way he could. At least it got them out of the cold winters wind.Christmas reminds us that the world that the Christ came to save had no room for him. He would make room in the Father’s house for those who made no room for him. It’s too easy to hear the story of his birth and not recognize that there is so much more to the story than this manger scene.This Savior who had no room went on to provide a place for each of us who are willing to make room in our hearts. But there is more to the story that simply Jesus living in our hearts. He who now lives in our hearts wants to been seen in our habits.These days everyone is afraid of strangers, most of the time with good reason, but Christmas is a moment when hospitality …. gracefully receiving both friends and strangers … needs to be an important part of our celebrations.We should make room for people in our lives as well as Jesus in our hearts. It really is simple, in restaurants, in our homes, at church we must practice the gift of hospitality towards all people.We anticipated the return, the appearing of Christ, by receiving those whom He sends to us every day. In fact, to put it in His words, “if you do it unto the least of these you have done it unto Me.”And remember sometimes the least is not really the lowest in your eyes.


Advent :: The "By and by"


Advent: Return