Book Publishing Time!

Even as I write that title for this blog a few nerves stir in my stomach. My book is at the publisher. You would think the nerves would be gone considering, I have published nine books previous to this one, but such is not the case.

For those new to my journey, my book has been taken from me and sent to publishing. What does this mean exactly? It means that the book I have labored over for months is finally (yes, finally) to a point where it’s getting a title, a cover designed and will be published within the next several months. As in 1000s of books will be available to the masses. I should feel excited, elated- and I am truly grateful- but there is a realization that the work is really just beginning. For now, let me catch you up on how we got to this point.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that what you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward." Colossians 3:23-24

You know how this story goes, right? I have this friend of a friend. No, that one is in the book. This whole journey of writing my new book began over dinner one evening when a close personal friend of mine introduced me to a friend of hers. I had been toying with the idea of writing a new book and it just so happens that this new friend is the owner and founder of a marketing and independent publishing company. There are moments when I can only laugh at how incredible our God is. It’s as if He was having a good laugh to Himself and chuckling, “Here’s your sign Quintin.” Yep, I got it, God. Thus, began this journey of taking all the random ideas and thoughts I have in my head (it’s a scary place up there) and in my numerous journals and putting turning them into a book.

Lucky for me, Stephanie and her team at Epiphany Creative Services, LLC are pros. We have spent hours in brainstorming sessions, deep discussions over the manuscript and even the not so fun conversations of being critiqued over some very personal pages in the book. They took the 300 plus pages I thought was my book, read it and then cut it up. OUCH! Oh but wait, they gave it back and said, "Keep going!" This is part of the journey. As painful as it is sometimes, I realize they were shaping the best possible version. 

Side note, if you are thinking about writing a book, I pray for your pride and hope you have thick skin. I had a great dose of humble pie served to me several times. Not because I thought the manuscript was perfect, but the words are personal and vulnerable. It can be difficult to be told, “It doesn’t work for this book, so let's cut that,” when those parts are real life experiences.

Revision after revision, edit after edit the team was shaping pages into a book. Then the news came, “Quintin, stop writing. The book is ready for publishing.” I would say it was wonderful news, but the truth is there was some angst in stopping, like almost separation anxiety. But I trusted this team. Plus, with all that was cut out of this book, there are a couple more manuscripts ready to begin the process all over again.

So folks, here we are. In the thick of it, waiting on publishers, designers and editors to take my story and bring it to life. I’ve been warned that the number of emotions at times will be overwhelming, so I am praying for peace of mind and the ability to enjoy the ride. God’s blessings continue to pour out in my life, and it is my prayer that the book will do the same for others. 

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippeans 4:7

Keep an eye out for the next post, I will be releasing the title!

Many blessings friends!


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