He created us to be

So many times I have meet people who have simply lost their desire to discover their potential in Christ. It is in that moment that we must pray for God to give us the desire to desire. 

The desire to yearn for more. The longing to “be all we can be.” 

The Holy Spirit is urging us all the time to desire. To desire the things that will release our spirit to know and to become all that we were created to “be.” 

Really joy is in “being.” Being the creation that God intended. I want to have the right desires. 

Really everyone desires to know God, even if they don’t know it. Our longings are only fulfilled in our relationship with the One who created us to be like Him. 

We long to be loved! We long to belong. We long to be joyful. 

Lent is the season in which each of us can ask God to “give us the desire to desire” again. This is a season to begin to expect to feel our spiritual hunger grow in expectation of “being” everything He created us to be…..! 


Rejoice the Lord is near!

