Happy is the man!

Psalm: 32
1 Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 
2 Happy are those to whom the LORD imputes no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.Knowing that your sin is forgiven is the foundation to happiness. Knowing that the Lord is not holding your sins against you is the beginning of happiness.And everyone is looking for happiness, right?I have often stood with young couples and officiated their wedding. They are alway happy and full of smiles, convinced that they will fulfill each others dreams. They are happy, but I always know that happiness will be tested.The sun is shining bright this morning. And I had the honor of officiating the renewal of vows for very dear friends of mine.Twenty-five years, it really is hard to believe.What I saw in their eyes this morning is different from those young couples. Their happiness has been tested!Tested by time!They have learned to forgive each other, to cover one another.They have learned the secret of not holding their failures and faults against each other. Their happiness is deep and sweet.I could feel the grace emanating from their eyes as they looked at each other. As they repeated the words that they said to each other so very long ago.Somehow those words meant more this morning.Tested by life! Tested by fire.But then I looked past Robbie and Angie, and saw a tear roll down Fred’s face. He reach over and patted Judy’s hand. She turned and smiled. Next July they will celebrate 65 years. My heart swelled and I must admit I shed a few tears of my own….Happy…Happiness if founded in God’s Grace. Grace that is realized in our marriages, our families and our friends.Maybe lent is a time to renew our vows to Christ.Bless you Robbie and Angie! It was an honor!


The Journey Begins...


Rejoice the Lord is near!