The Music is the Same

"The music is the same," Francis whispered, "he sings the same song." I will never forget those words. I will never forget that moment. That afternoon has had a profound impact on my life.

How did that happen? Why did you meet with Pope Francis? How could you possiblly agree with what he represents?

I have been asked those questions a thousand times. And I've honestly asked myself the same thing. Every time I prepare to answer, I am humbled by the fact that I had nothing to do with it.

Our friendship has nothing to do with institutions nor our individual ideas. The answer is simple: I was with Pope Francis because we shared a common friend. A friend brought us together.

Father Francis and I both had the honor of calling Bishop Tony Palmer, Friend. Our friendship was born from that common friendship. Our friend went to be with the Lord way too early, but because of Tony; Francis and I could share a friendship with each other.

Friendship has been the primary tool that God has used to develop my faith and guide me throughout my life. Friendships are sacred because God is nothing if he is not relational; Eugene Peterson says, "God is only and exclusively God in relationship."

That afternoon didn't change the world, but it changed me.

Jesus called us "Friends." That afternoon I realized that if you are a friend of Jesus you are also my friend.

I wanted to take minute thank my friend Pope Francis for ten years of serving as the Bishop of Rome.

Your Friend Bishop Quintin


Do Good!


God Sealed