Dante said that man has lost a vision of that "love which moves the sun and stars." He continues to say that due to that man as also lost the power to find meaning for his life. Man has found the ability to do nearly or almost anything and yet the very meaning of his existence continues to elude him. Humanity has plunged into a collective delusion which promises happiness in the future, if he can somehow learn to manipulate the world around him to give him the success (desires) that he has subjectively determined he needs. In short the world exists for his pleasure! Thus the meaning of life is the fulfillment of his own desires.

When the truth is that man's greatest meaning is found in his capacity to love. This ability that is unique to the human soul is the essence of God's image that is stamped into the very DNA of every human being. We were created and called to be the very sons of God. Therefore our vocations as sons of God means that our greatest meaning and highest fulfillment it to love as God Himself loves. He is Love, and it is as loving as He loves that we enter into the the ecstasy of our own existence and find the true meaning of our lives.

To understand and grasp the reality of our being will reorientate us towards our original calling to govern and to cultivate the world that God created and gave to us. Through loving, not using creation for our own means, we will discover that love is not merely our salvation, but also the very key to our existence. The truth is that our entire life is a part of the cosmic, divine process of "the love which moves the sun and stars."


The Word


Intoxicated by His Life!