The Word

The Word….by whom all things were made, in the fullness of time, to recapitulate and contain all things became man in order to destroy death, to manifest life, and to restore the union between God and man. ( Irenaeus )

Col. 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
Col. 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
Col. 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
Col. 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead;

Christ , The Word, existed before Adam, before creation, before the foundation of the world. Creation is then not a pre-established reality into which Christ did His best to fit into. He came to reveal to the world that all things were created by Him and are sustained by Him. He has and always will be the very center of life and the meaning of all things.

In his natural life every man is created in the image of God , thus every man is made by and sustained by the Word. In every human being there is the potentiality of the very “image of God.” In some way every human being is united too God by his very created order.

However, there exists the possibility for a supernatural union with God. Through the very work of the Grace and Love of Christ man is able to respond to His Love and become aware of the Presence of the One from whom he has come and to Whom he is being transformed to reveal.

All of the gifts and graces of this supernatural life are the ways and means by which the “new creation” is connected and “re-membered” to this resurrected “body of Christ.” Just as every natural human being is a part of the human race. Every “new creation,” those who are born from above are to be united with this new “race” of human beings who are filled with the fullness of Christ.

Having therefore received redemption, the divine Image not only dwells in us as our Creator, but He sends forth His Holy Spirit into our own spirit which becomes “one spirit” with Him. This supernatural and spiritual organism of men who are one in the love and faith of Jesus Christ is the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ. (Merton – new man, p146.)

The whole life of the Kingdom of God consists then in the gradual extension of the spiritual effects of the death and resurrection of Jesus to one soul after another until Christ lives perfectly in all whom He has called to Himself.

This is the great work of uniting souls of the elect with their Head in one Mystical Body is the true task of the New Adam. (p 96).

We are in the world as those who are “Christ-bearers.” We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are being built into the house-hold of God.

And yet today the church remains divided by the rational, emotional, judgmental nuances of the first Adam. Unable to die, to self, the first Adam struggles against the Second Adam and resists the transformation of his soul. This individual struggle continues to be the greatest resistance to the revelation of the Christ.

Christians, those who know of the love and grace of God and yet resist “union,” actually become barriers to the fulfillment of the Father’s will.

Each one of us has his or her part in this plan for humanity. We cannot allow ourselves to forget this active and dynamic view of the Kingdom of Christ. For if we are all “one man in Him,” that does not mean that we float into heaven on the tide of His merits alone. On the contrary, we are called to join Him in His “agony” (struggle) to unite His members in one Body so that the New Adam, New Creation, might be realized. If Christ is the Head then there must be members of that body for it to be complete.

We are united to God in our natural life because we are created in His image. We are supernaturally united to God through the grace, mercy and love of the Christ who came into our humanity to redeem us and to re-orientated us Himself. And finally we are united mystically to God, to one another in and through the “Body of Christ, the Church.”

My heart longs for the very revealing of My Lord and My Christ!!!! I so long to see the first Adam give way to the Second. To see the manifestation of the Christ through His “body.”

To see every Christian not merely receive the love and grace of the Father in vain and wait for their individual entrance into heaven; but to join with one another in love. To use their gifts and graces to unite all those who are called into the Family. This is the work of Christ. It is the work of every Christian. It is your work, your meaning, your very life!


Fully Alive
