Agreement --- the Master Key of the Kingdom!

Jesus came proclaiming the presence of the Kingdom and the Father’s pleasure to give us the Kingdom. He went as far as to say that He would bestow upon us the “keys to the Kingdom.”

It appears that the overarching theme of the New Testament is the announcement and the availability to live in the Kingdom of God. And yet we still live as though the Kingdom is some distant hope that is only realized after death.

Again Jesus, inspires us by saying that “the kingdom is within us.” He encourages us that “out of our inner-most being will flow rivers of living water.” Today perhaps like none other we need to take time to reflect on the way that we view the King and His Kingdom.

We all read the scriptures that tell us “He lives in us.” And we mentally understand that where He is there is the Kingdom. But I don’t think we have really come to terms with what that means.

“Repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand!”

This is an invitation, not a threat! We have been and are being invited to live within the domain of our Heavenly Father. To live under the protection, provision and polity of the One who Loves us and has given His life for us all.

To “abide under the shadow” of the Almighty that is our inheritance. This is our “secret place,” the very mystery of being in the world but not of the world. And to further grasp that He has given us the “keys” of this kingdom is even more exciting than ever.

Matt. 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

God lives between the two Cheribs who forever face each other above the Mercy Seat, and it is there that He promised to meet with Israel. Christ sent them out two by two. Two are better than one, one will put a thousand to flight but two ten thousand. When God desires to bless you he brings another into your life.

Ruth had one conversation with Naomi and she was introduced to Boaz. Elisha needed Elijah! David and Jonathan were friends. Andrew introduced Peter to the Lord, and Barnabas was helpful to Paul.

The power of two is scatter all the way through our Christian History. When Christ came he revealed the power of two as the “master Key” to the Kingdom. “If two of you agree.....”

Wow! Simple and yet profound. James told us where there is strife, evil and confusion prevail. Jesus through his own blood removed the condemnation, judgmental, and over all criticism of this world. In fact Jesus calls us to agree with our adversaries.

Agreement, harmony, unity is the very vehicle through which the very power of God is released in His Kingdom. To live under the shadow and in Agreement and to see the manifestation of the Kingdom of God is and should be our greatest desire.

Jonathan and his armor-bearer were able to defeat a huge army merely through agreement. (1 Samuel 14:6-15).

May we set our hearts to agree with God, and with each other.


Hungry For God


Sweet Peace...