Hungry For God

Hunger for God is one of the greatest signs of life a believer can have. It reveals that inner awareness of God. This desire is in itself testimony that there is more, and the fact that we possess that hunger to seek God should encourage us to pursue encounters with Him.

I crave time with my children and grandcildren. That craving, that cry would destroy me if it were not possible for that reality to exist. “He who loves Me.... I will love him and manifest Myself to him. (John 14:21). This is more than a heavenly promise. We are not only to receive the Holy Spirit but we are to see Jesus over and over again. He will be found by those who love and seek Him.

God told Samuel that He did not look at the outward but instead he looked on the heart. It was from that perspective that David was chosen. David’s heart of passion of hunger for God is what attracted God’s attention.

David’s passion for God was seen on the other side of the mountain as he cared for sheep. David worshiped without anyone else around for many years before he gave insight to Israel and their worship. David’s heart and passion for God is known through not only Christianity but nearly every faith.

This worshipping King hungered for the very presence of God, above all else. David endeared himself to God as a man of great passion -- for God and for life.

I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. (Acts 13:22)

I repeat hunger, passion for God is one of the greatest signs of life a believer can have. That passion pulls the believer into worship and draws others to worship together. l

There is a sound emerging from within our culture that has affected the Kingdom. It is no more or no less than the idea that we as believers are called to merely perform social or civic duties. It would reduce us to being chaplains of society. Thus the church losses focus on here highest calling.

I serve from Him, not merely for Him. This may seem overly simple but it is the key to ministry. This was the model that Jesus gave to us. He only did what He saw His Father do and said what He heard the Father say.

The greatest example of this is the story of Mary and Martha. Mary chose to sit at the feet of Jesus while Martha chose to work in the kitchen. Mary sought to please Jesus by being with Him while Martha sought to please Him through service. “Mary has chosen the better part.” was His reply.

As I write this I realize that some will take this to mean that they can stop doing anything and just sit.... However, that is not the meaning of this little letter nor the story of David, Mary or Martha. The point is that without sitting in His Presence any attempt of ministry is futile. All ministry must flow out of His Presence. Presence Centered worship will lead to Presence Driven ministry.

Martha respond to a need that was not even expressed, because she did not understand her own favor. Thus out of her own insecurity she was fixing a lunch that was never ordered. And all the while “living bread” was being offered. Only after we’ve eaten from His Table can we feed others.

David’s passion, Mary’s attention we must come to realize that what the world is in real hunger for is His Presence.... In His Presence there is “fullness.”


Update on Haiti!!
