Update on Haiti!!

“...And who is my neighbor? And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.” (Luke 10:29-30).

Located only some six hundred miles from the shores of Florida, Haiti is laying beside the road! Haiti is our neighbor!

Haiti is an entire nation who has fallen, been stripped, wounded and left half-dead. This country of nine million people, of which eighty percent are living in total poverty was devastated by an earthquake that took at least six hundred thousand lives.

Living on the edge of humanity this country was thrown into complete despair by the earthquake. There are numerous sights that took my breath away and nearly brought me to my knees, but it was the emptiness in the eyes of the children that has affected my soul.

Everyone has suffered loss! Grievous loss! Death has robbed each of them of, father, mother, children, brother.... I listened as a young mother speaking in a low monotone voice clutching her four year old daughter, spoke of the loss of her twin children and her husband. Looking blankly into the distance as if somewhere over my shoulder she would see them, tearlessly she replayed the nightmare of that day. A day that would alter not only her life but everyone around her.

There was and is no one to comfort her, because everyone is grieving. Death and destruction has touched the entire nation. They sit in the midst of rubble starring off into nothingness!

The Haitian government was and still is unprepared to assist it’s people. Hundreds of thousands of people have fled Port Au Prince for the surrounding foothills. Makeshift huts, some of wood and some of tent or tarp like materials fill the base of the mountains. As the rains come the conditions only worsen. The people have watched as their huts have slowing been eroded by the water as it has overtaken home after home. Standing, and stagnant water of the rainy season has made the conditions even more ripe for typhoid, malaria and all other diseases.

This past week as I walked among these people I am convinced that we must be the neighbor that Christ spoke of in Luke’s Gospel.

I realize that we cannot do everything but we can do something.

With your help we can assist in the feeding, education and rebuilding of the lives of the children of Haiti. I have partnered with “People To People” so that we can touch the lives of the Haitian people, particularly the children.
We are working on several strategies to partner with this existing ministry to restore the lives of the people of Haiti. I know that the Lord spoke to me about being present in Haiti after the initial response. We are to make long term commitments to these people.

And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. (Luke 10:34-35).

The challenges for Haiti are long standing and require long term compassion. We can make a difference in their lives if we are willing to remain steady in our efforts. I want to thank each of you for your support and encourage you to make a monthly pledge to assist these children.

You can visit the website www.fathershouse.net/Haiti....and make your donation. There you will find several pictures and I will keep you posted as to the upcoming plans and projects.




Hungry For God