Being Perfected!!!

The Lord will perfect those things which concerns me... Psalm 138:8 NKJIn the English there are two words that are spelled perfect. Each one has a difference pronunciation and definition. PER-fect is an adjective referring to a flawlessness or sinlessness. Per-FECT is a verb whose Biblical definition is “completetion” or “termination.”This second word is the one which is used in this verse. The Lord will per-FECT that which concerns us. That is, the Lord will complete or terminate it.Every area of our life is in a state of development. All of life is a learning process. The Lord is bringing us along a timetable which has a divine design to it. None of us is standing still. Contrary to possible appearances, we are not spinning our wheels or merely treading water; we are making progress.Our faith is growing. Our understanding of God’s purpose’s is unfolding. Our knowledge of God’s attributes is expanding. Our priority lists are constantly changing as we evaluate what is important to us and what is not.Besides al the daily growth in our life of faith, we have a glorious destiny . The Lord is perfecting or completing us so we will be ready for the Second coming of Jesus Christ. All our growth, development, and maturing is pointing to a grand and glorious consumation. The anticiapation of the future meeting of the Lord Jesus Christ with His Church makes us patient during this perfection process. The Lord has begun a good work in us, and we can be assured that He thus far; He will take us onward. We can be confident that God loves us too much to leave us the way we are.


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