Our "Life"

Our “life” does not consist merely in having Jesus Christ as our Saviour, whom we thank and adore! Our life is more than simpling worshipping a Lord that sits on a throne in heaven. Our “life” comes from and is sustained and nourished by constant spiritual contact with the “real presence” of the resurrected, glorified Saviour Jesus Christ. He actually lives “His LIfe” in us by His grace and gives “His Life” to us as the One who is the “life giving Spirit.” Thus our “life” is “His Life.”As a disciple of Christ our “life” is a life that is immersed in the depths of Christ and His Church (his body). Our “life” is that which flows from our intimacy with Christ the “life-giving Spirit.” Our life is so much more that an imitation of Him. Our life is truly His inspiration coming through our being. He inspires our thoughts and actions, thus it really is His life being manifested in ours. Thus His “life” is our “life.”Our “life” is first of all “immersed” in Him through the waters of baptism. This immersion reunites us to Him in every way. A baptism that is more than an event but rather  a life long experience of being continually placed “in Him.” Secondly, He fills and floods us inwardly. We literally become His home, His abiding place, the place from which He thus “inspires” us from the inside out. And finally, He “ignites” us with the fire of His Presence. He is a consuming fire, a fire shut up in our bones or as have we heard “tongues of fire." His very energy, passion or if you will "steadfast love" is the very fire that powers our or shall I say His life that he is sharing with us.Our “life” is nothing less than being “immersed,” “inspired,” and “ingited” by Christ who is our life.


Being Perfected!!!


A River runs through your life