Reaching forward!!!

"...forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead." Philippians 3:13 NKJ"...I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,..." AMPI used to dream of deleting the memories of the past by pushing a button like on this computer. Delete, delete, delete.... simply clear away all those unwanted files that contain painful and hurtful memories!This text tells us that it is possible. We can turn 180 degrees and go from looking at our past to looking at our future with confidence and faith.A few years ago I was praying with a good friend and they had a vision of my being bound to past memories. So he prayed, "Lord, free Quintin from the chains of the past and give him a fresh vision of his future." Instantly, it was as though a fog lifted from my eyes, my very soul... I actually felt as though chains were being broken off my limbs. I was facing backward looking at events and people in my life that held my attention some 20 plus years in the past. But, as the chains were broken I slowing began to turn and face forward.It was a "turning point" in my life. I was gloriously freed from past events and people and was able to reach forward... to hope in what was ahead and not be bound to the past. It was a "supernatural" experience.A few days ago I began to investigate the word "supernatural." Supernatural literally means a:

  • a departure from the usual or the norm
  • a departure from the status quo
  • status quo = existing condition or state of affairs

When we move from what lies behind we truly are reaching for the supernatural realm of God. We are moving from the usual or the norm, moving beyond the existing conditions into the "all things are possible for those who believe."Jesus came to bring us out of the past and into the "kingdom of God," "eternal life," the way of living in the "supernatural." I truly believe that God has an "Exodus" for each of us. A departure from those things which have restricted each of us from moving into our freedom.The word "exodus" means to leave a hostile environment. Our past is truly hostile to our future in Christ. But Christ has redeemed us and has opened the way for us to "reach forward," into the supernatural.


See no Evil!


The Year of "My" Redeemed!